About ARACNE+ model

ARACNE+ is a European project developed in the Erasmus+ programme framework, the objective of which is to validate, develop and and consolidate a learning model to enhance the professionalisation of adult people from disadvantage backgrounds.

The main characteristic of the ARACNE model is to develop an integrated pathways for insertion, in which 3 axes of actuation are integrated in a systematic manner.
•    professional capacity building, 
•    empowerment, 
•    promotion of entrepreneurship.

The ARACNE canvas is a tool that presents, in a graphic way, the stages of development of the ARACNE model. The canvas is accompanied with a presentation in prezzi that allows teachers to have an overview of the proposed route as well as plan the main milestones of the educational intervention.

For a more comprehensive learning of the model, a completely free training course for trainers has been developed, with a minimum duration of 40 hours, which can be accessed from here: https://thalys.gr/course/index.php?categoryid=11

This course will allow you to know in depth the ARACNE + model, aimed at training people at risk or in disadvantaged situations.

In addition, the project has developed an online tool that helps trainers prepare training using activities developed by other trainers.

For more information, you can access our website: http://www.aracneplus.famylias.org.