Empowerment level:Self assertion, self-awareness, decisions and transformation actions
Summary of activity:
The objective of this activity is participants to understand that when we have discipline and persistence we can pass all the problems in our life. This activity can help participants to gain learn the benefits of percistence

Description of the activity:
The trainer explains the meaning of discipline and persistense the roles that these play in our life. After give to participants a picture with a pentagon and ask from them to find the numbers of triangles that are in this shape. Every time that participant try again they will find another number of triangles highe than the first time. Through this activity they can understand in practice what means percistence, discipline and adaptability
Methodological description:
Learning through play
Assessment indicators:
Learning through play: Participants have learned the real meaning of discipline and persistence
Resources needed:
Attached file and pen
Files needed for the implementation of the activity