Category:Self Employment
Self Employment level:Intermediate
Summary of activity:
The aim of this task is to analyse the characteristics and types of social enterprise all around Europe

Description of the activity:
This activity consists of analysing the characteristics and typologies of the social enterprise through the reading of the proposed document (https://www.euricse.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/social-economy-guide.pdf).
Students must complete the proposed exercise on the benefits of a social enterprise and fill in the Word Document.
Finally, the student will evaluate the proposed activity in the form of a debate on site.
Methodological description:
Follow the instructions below:
1) Make a comprehensive reading of chapter 3 "Innovative tendencies in the context of the social economy: the emergence of social enterprises" which you will find in the European Commission publication "Social economy and social entrepreneurship.pdf" (https://www.euricse.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/social-economy-guide.pdf).
2) Download the proposed document "The benefits of social enterprise.docx" and describe which are the benefits of a social enterprise.
3) Present the document elaborated.
4) Evaluate the activity in the form of a debate.
Assessment indicators:
Debate in class
Resources needed:
- Chapter 3 of the European Commission publication "Social economy and social entrepreneurship".
- Exercise: "The Benefits of Mobility"
Files needed for the implementation of the activity