Empowerment level:Self assertion, self-awareness, decisions and transformation actions

After the presentation and explanation of the method participants will use this method in order to make a decision for a restaraunt " You are owners of a company. You need to rent a place in order to establish your company. You have a space in third floor of building, another space in the corner of two busy streets, one space in a nice road . All spaces have the same square meters and the same rent"
Using the six hat method make your decision.
Remember the thinking way of each hat
Blue hat - It is the hat that presents the problem
White hat- collect information
Green hat – propose alternative , to look for innovative ways
Red Hat - It’s the emotional and instinctive point of view.
Yellow hat - Its goal is to point the positive qualities of the solutions
Black hat – It is the one that shows the negative qualities of the solutions
Files needed for the implementation of the activity